Holy Grail - My evening skincare routine

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Hi everyone! Hope you all doing well. I've been super busy with college work lately as i'm trying finish my college work asap! Because the sooner I finish the sooner i'll get my holidays! 

Anyway...this year one of my ''new year resolution'' was getting a good cleansing/skin care routine down and sticking to it! 

I'm always that girl that usually doesn't take cleansing seriously as last year I would usually just take my makeup off with some wiped and bioderma. 

But for the last 4 months i've been sticking to this routine (finally after getting a good products that didn't make my skin go mad!) and it's done me good! My face haven't felt more cleaner that this! 

These are the products I've been using. 
Clairsonic mia 
Cetaphil Gental Skin Cleanser 
L'oreal Paris - Skin perfection 15 seconds miracle oil cleanser 
La Roche Posay - Effaclar duo+ 

The first thing I do it take all of my makeup off by using this. It's a cleansing oil and I know what you are all thinking ''OIL TO CLEAN FACE?!?! NO!'' I know I know...that's how I felt before using it but oh my! It is a miracle! 

You get about 3 pumps of the oil and rub it all over on your dry face. You can also use this to remove your eye makeup. As you apply it on your face it literally melts away your makeup off your skin! Its amazing! After doing that for like...15 seconds...you remove it by a warm wash cloth or if your lazy like me just normal water & face & bam all makeup and oil is gone!  

After I do that I will use the cetaphil gentle skin cleanser because I don't like to think that oil is still on my face, which in reality there isn't but just to make sure I use this to complete 100% wash everything of my face. 

Because my skin is very sensitive I only use the clairsonic cleanser once a week. Usually on a sunday just to get rid of everything and to exfoliate my skin. the cetaphil works amazing on my skin, doesn't irritate and removes all dirt and makeup! hooray! 

I will then apply this all over my face. Some people say you should only use it on your blemishes or where you think blemishes are showing. But since my skin is teenage/acne prone/i've been on accutane so I get very stressful if I get acne back I just use it all over my face day and night. I usually put more product if there is a breakout on my skin. 

You all must of heard about this product and how amazing it is. For me it wasn't. Yes it does work but with me it takes 3 or 4 weeks to completely get rid of my stubborn acne so I was a but disappointed with this product. But I do feel like it does kinda work...

What is your nighttime skincare routine? Let me know in the comments below! 

-Anna xoxo