18th Birthday Wishlist!

Monday 3 November 2014

Hi everyone! 
It's November! Swear it was easter about 2 weeks ago...where has 2014 gone?! Anyway November, it's my birthday month! And I will be 18 years old. 18. What. I honestly can not believe I will be 18! They really do say that years go faster when your older! 
In Britain turning 18 is big. You become an adult and your legal to buy alcohol, vote, move out etc so this defiantly means big things are in store! 

For my 18th present I kindly asked my parents for a Kitchenaid Mixer. Not what you usually get from an 18 year old! But seeing as I love baking I thought this will be with me forever and will get good use! 

I think i'll then save up my birthday money to buy a Mulberry bag. It's my dream bag. I just think they are so classic and stylish and so very me! 

Hopefully i'll have a Selfridges voucher. I adore vouchers! I can't get enough of them! Haha! I think Selfridges is my favorite high end store it's just got everything you want from makeup to food to clothing! Brilliant! 

And of course I want to go out with my friends and get a few drinks. Why not?! That's what normal 18 year olds do right?! haha! 

Are any of you 18+ what did you do for your 18th? Go out and party? Had a lovely meal? Let me know in the comments below! 

Until next time 
-Anna xoxo

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